Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap Year

Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November;
All the rest have thirty-one
Excepting February alone
Which hath but twenty-eight, in fine,
Til leap year gives it twenty-nine

Since 2012 is a leap year we have an extra day this year, February 29th. Therefore, I was curious about learning more about the day and it's origin. Below is what I have found through a very extensive research process (about 2 minutes on the internet ...haha). Hopefully, you will learn something new and make the extra 24 hours this year memorable!

Leap Year definition according to urbandicitionary.com
(n.) A year where Febuary has 29 days. This is because the earth actually takes 365.24 days to orbit the sun completely. This figure is rounded to 365.25, so after four years, we have to add an extra day. However, since it is actually a little less than a whole day, every 100 years we will be a day ahead. There are 10 leap years in 100 years, and hence, we must miss one of these years. This was last done in 1900, and shall next be done in 2100, hence, it is unlikely many of us will live to see the next one, unless this definitions is still here (along with urbandictionary of course!) in many years' time.
  1. Every year divisible by four is a lap year (1996, 2000, 2004)
  2. Unless it's also divisible by 100 (1800, 1900, 2100)
  3. However, if a year is divisible by 4, 100 and 400, it's a leap year (1600, 2000, 2400)
A Leap Day Tradition:
The one day of the year on which, traditionally, women can propose to men. It was considered that as the day also had no legal status, it was reasonable to assume that tradition had no status, so women took advantage of this and proposed to the man they wanted to marry. A law once existed in Scotland forbidding a man to refuse a proposal made to him. Punishment for such an offense was a large fine. This tradition goes back to an old Irish legend concerning St. Patrick and St. Bridget in the 5th Century. In the 5th Century, a nun by the name of St. Bridget, petitioned St. Patrick on behalf of all women in that they have a more active role in choosing their husbands. As a result of this request, women were allowed to propose to men once every four years. http://www.projectbritain.com/year/leapyear.htm

Leap Year Superstition
-In Scotland it is thought unlucky to be born on a Leap Year's Day. http://www.projectbritain.com/year/leapyear.htm
-There is a Greek superstition that claims couples have bad luck if they marry during a leap year.

Random Facts:
  • According to astrologers, those born under the sign of Pisces on February 29 have unusual traits and personalities reflecting their special status.
  • February 2008 had five Fridays, and the next year that this will happen is 2036.
  • The longest time between two leap years is 8 years. Last time was between 1896 and 1904. The next time will be between 2096 and 2104.
So what can you do with the extra day this Leap Year? Well you could be ironic and watch the movie Leap Year! It's a 2010 romantic comedy film where a girl travels to Dublin, Ireland to propose to her boyfriend. However, there is a huge storm and she gets stranded and needs the help of a surly Irish innkeeper to assist her in the rest of her journey. Gotta say, not one for chick flicks but this movie did make me laugh! HAPPY LEAP YEAR! 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Midterm Exam Cooking

As many students may tell you cooking and studying can be two of the most stressful things one encounters in college. However, there are tons of almost "fool-proofed" recipes out there that take less time to prepare than running out to your car to score some fast-food. Here is what I prepared to get me through a weekend of studying; I got it off pinterest.

On pinterest it's called Quick Chicken; however, I am calling it 4-ingredient marinade chicken. It kind of reminds me of a baked sesame chicken. I revised the recipe a little bit for my own taste and availability of ingredients. I prepared it the night before so it ended up marinading overnight; however, the original recipe does not include that step. I served it with basmati rice. Enjoy!

This is the chicken right before I put it in the oven. 

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 25-30 minutes

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 tablespoon of minced garlic (recipe called for granulated garlic but I was out)
1.5 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of soy sauce (recipe called for 2 tablespoon, but I dislike salty food)
3 tablespoons of heinz hot ketchup with tabasco sauce 

Directions: (modified to a quicker version by me)
1. Blend all ingredients (sans chicken) in a bowl.
2. Put a little of the sauce in the bottom of the baking dish.
3. Place chicken in baking dish.
4. Cover rest of chicken with the remainder of sauce.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink.

If you would like to see the original recipe here it is www.food.com/recipe/quick-chicken-1-245708

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Things to Give Up For Lent

So yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which symbolizes the first day of Lent (40 days of prayer and fasting for some Christians). I have only participated in Lent for one year (2010), and that year I gave up "pulling all-nighters." and I was successful. For me, participating in Lent was not a religious experience but rather I was just curious if I could do it. The forty days of "sacrifice" reminded me of a short-term New Year's Resolution with a higher success rate. Therefore, I was curious what are typical and atypical luxuries that people are giving up as a form of penitence:

10 Most Cliched Things People Give Up for Lent

Chocolate and sweets 
Junk food 

Humorous Things to Give UP
  • Give up lying to your roommate about where their Poptarts are disappearing to
  • Promise yourself to give up beer, resolve to drink more hard liquor
  • Give up work. You always complain about it anyway.
  • Give up chocolate and sweets, everyone knows french fries and burgers taste better anyway.
  • Give up watching TV, most good shows are on the internet anyways.

Other Unique Things to Give UP
Jersey Shore
Hitting the snooze button
Cell phones
Bitting your nails
Eating out
Online shopping
Sleeping in beds
Listening to the radio in the car
Warm water for showers
Putting on makeup
Not using elevators or escalators
Driving a car
New Years resolutions
Fast Food
Forks and spoons (to learn how to use chopsticks)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hot Investment During This Financial Turmoil

I remember when I started driving, gas was $0.86 a galloon and I could fill up my gas tank in my Pontiac Grand Prix for under $15. Or buying three candy bars for $1. Or seeing a matinee movie for $3. With inflation and the constant rising prices on everyday items and necessities, people are constantly looking for a bargain or the next great investment. The last thing a person wants to do is ask me for financial advice; however, I stumbled upon an investment joke that I thought was worth sharing, enjoy!

A little humor which we could all use these days....
If you had purchased $1000 of shares one year ago in: 
1. Delta Airlines, you will have $49.00 today.
2. AIG, you will have $33.00 today.
3. Lehman Brothers, you will have $0.00 today.
But if you had purchased $1000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned the aluminum cans for recycling refund, you will have received $214.00
Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink heavily and recycle. It's called the 401-Keg.
A recent study found that the average American walks about 900 miles a year. 
Another study found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year.
That means that, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon!

Makes you proud to be an American!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rise of the Toilet Texters

I was reading an Entertainment Weekly (in the bathroom, hopefully that isn't TMI) and on the bulls-eye page it mentioned Toilet Texters. Therefore I was intrigued and found that an article was printed in the New York Times called "The Rise of the Toilet Texters." Below is a synopsis of the article published. Are you a closeted toilet texter? I'm not, I'm old school, I keep magazines in the bathroom.
We know where some of you are reading this.
A recently released survey of the mobile phone habits of Americans, going where few other surveys care to go, has found that 75 percent of the populace have used their mobile devices while on the toilet. Among those aged 28 to 35, the figure is 91 percent.
The survey of 1,000 people by the marketing agency 11mark found that private contemplation has given way to toilet-time talking, texting, shopping, using apps, or just surfing the Web, by both sexes and most ages. Among those 65 and older, however, only 47 percent have used their mobile devices on the toilet.
Texting, though, is fine.Chip Litherland for The New York TimesTexting, though, is fine.
It gets weirder. One-quarter of Americans say they will not go to the bathroom without their devices. While 63 percent have answered calls, 41 percent have called someone else while enthroned. Sixteen percent in the 28-to-35 group, the youngest sample surveyed, have made purchases there. A mere 8 percent of the oldest group have felt such retail urgency. Understandably, given their infrequent chances at privacy, people with children are more likely to talk on the phone than are the childless. Single people are far more likely than the mated to text.
Hope you are sitting down for this: 20 percent of males have at one time joined a conference call from the toilet. Thirteen percent of American women have participated in meetings from the john. That is every fifth male co-worker, and every eighth female colleague. Be grateful that location-based tracking is not yet so prevalent. Be worried about the rise of video on mobile devices. Ignore all background noises. Really.
This is, in a sense, a testimony to our collective passion for communication and contact over all other needs, and a lesson in how quickly ideas of decorum adjust to the times. It is also a decent read on brand-related habits. If someone is making or taking calls while on the toilet, they are most likely using a BlackBerry. Using an app or playing on Facebook most often is done on an iPhone. And in general, Android owners are more likely than owners of other phones to use them on the toilet.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chick-fil-A Frenzy

Okay I need someone to explain the bizarre love, devotion, and loyalty people have for the chicken sandwiches at Chick-fil-A; it's a fried piece of chicken with a pickle and two slices of bread. I am just confounded; therefore, I went online and searched for answers. I went to Chick-fil-A's main website and within a second I saw a tab "Share your Chick-fil-A Story." EUREKA! So Chick-fil-A must be participating in humanitarian efforts (e.g. Project Homeless), so I thought I found my answers on why this restaurant chain has so many followers, almost like a cult chicken eating clientele. So I clicked on the tab and I was so wrong, this tab showed stories of weddings who had Chick-fil-A catered for their weddings!!! Here is a direct quote, "Thank you Chick-fil-A for making our wedding day extra special," I unfortunately am friends with Chick-fil-A-oholics that seriously need interventions for their addiction; however, they make for interesting stories. Recently, we took a road trip to the nearest Chick-fil-A for one of my Chick-fil-A-oholic friend's birthday dinner....and yes out of all of the restaurants in the world she wanted a chicken sandwich for dinner! Below are some of the memorable quotes from our road trip:

Me: I am not feeling that great...
Friend: Don't worry, Chick-fil-A cures everything!

Me: Since it's your birthday what kind of music do you want to listen to?
Friend: I don't care. Anything. Just make sure it has cuss words.

Friend (sitting in the back seat): Is this the same way I take when driving to Columbia, Missouri?
Me: Yes it is.
Friend: Well it sure does look really different.
Me: It looks different from the backseat? You are only two feet behind the driver's seat, explain to me how it looks different?

Friend: I feel overwhelm with jiggling all of our assignments for school.
Me: Jiggling? I think you mean juggling :)

Friend: Did you know there is part of a pig in green jello?
Me: hmm...you are crazy!

Friend: Did you also know that putting your nails in jello makes your fingernails grow faster?
Me: Please remind me why we are friends again you crazy bat :)

Now I am guilty of saying stupid things on road trips as well but since this is my blog I get to feed my ego and sound like the smart one amongst my friends.
Yes that is a birthday candle in a chicken sandwich, go ahead and judge!

Mission Chick-fil-A is a go!
*Chick-fil-A does participate in humanitarian efforts such as providing food for those recovery from a natural disaster...but for the purpose of this blog posting I played the ignorant card. To find out more about Chick-fil-A check out their website: http://www.chick-fil-a.com/Story

Thursday, February 9, 2012

50 Greatest Viral Videos of 2011

I am such a sucker for funny videos. Here are 50 videos in less than 10 minutes. Some are definitely funnier than others, my commentary is in red.
Here are  the videos that are on this link... http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/3ryFNI/www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF6DwtILRK8

  1. Jet Pack Fall
  2. News Anchor mocks Kardashians
    • How is this news? Doesn't everyone make fun of the Kardashians?
  3. Family home destroyed by flour
    • "Looks like a snowman threw up in here" Awesome quote!
  4. Crazy old man invades interview
    • He was just doing his interpretation of the song "Old McDonald"
  5. Reporter suffers stroke
    • Wow, I just thought she was chronically tongue-tied
  6. Weather Channel streakers
    • Very timid streakers; they have on swimming shorts.
  7. Pantera baby
  8. Tornado took my hamburger
    • The tornado was hungry and there was no cow nearby to suck up; so it decided a hamburger would do for the moment; lighten up man!
  9. Confusing pool party
    • Yep I am scarred for life...
  10. Reality hits you hard, bro
  11. BBQ grill explosion
  12. Kitchen planking fall
    • Maybe women no longer belong in the kitchen
  13. Old man dances to Zeppelin
  14. Dad goes crazy daughters texts
    • He kind of treated the phone as if it was a pinata 
  15. Ninja squirrel
    • Favorite rodent
  16. Girl in toyota supra
  17. Sleepy woman vs. hot dog
    • Yes I will take a hot dog with 1000000 germs on it and some ketchup
  18. Baby scared by nose blowing
    • Paranormal activity indeed
  19. Epic frog
    • I could watch this frog all day!
  20. Donkey fart interrupts interview
    • What an "ass"
  21. Death by Mentos
    • This has to be a record
  22. Crazy Martial Arts demo
  23. Shampoo prank
    • So simple but yet so awesome!
  24. Cat addicted to cigarettes
  25. Drunk lady vs. alphabet
  26. Road rage fight with twist ending
  27. Fat kid dancing to Dhinka Chika
  28. Jesus Christ, Fenton
  29. Kid reacts to gay couple
    • Kids really do say the darnest things!
  30. She wants to marry him
    • I am really concern; aren't they brother and sister?
  31. Kim Clijsters calls out commentator
  32. Chimps play in the sunlight for the 1st time
    • Three stooges alert
  33. Lily's disneyland surprise
    • Innocence and passion of a child showcased
  34. Mountain biker nailed by antelope
    • Bambi gets revenge
  35. The Force: Volkswagon comemrcial
  36. Sweet child of mine while mom has sex
    • ....DISTRUBING....
  37. Starbucks barista rant gets him fired
    • He shouldn't have quit his day job to be a musician.
  38. Twin babies talking to each other
    • I want to know what the heck they are saying.....
  39. Two dumb blondes
    • <insert 100 dumb blond jokes here>
  40. Webcam 101 for seniors
    • Hilarious! Reminds me of my grandparents. The first christmas my mom recorded us opening our presents with the video recorder my grandmother didn't realize that it picked up sound...lol
  41. Bully picks fight with sleeping inmate
    • I do not get this video
  42. Maid of honor fall
    • Sometimes you need a nap so badly you forget that there is a time and a place for it...
  43. I don't want to turn black
    • I feel like I missing a major part of the backstory of this video; definitely confused
  44. Girl sneezes 39 times in a row
    • I only counted 16 times; but maybe I am somehow off by 23 sneezes....
  45. Ref attacked at youth football game
  46. Spider cat
    • Superhero cat? I think so!!!
  47. Carp attack
    • I would have enough patience for this type of fishing
  48. eHarmony girls loves cats
    • Definition of a crazy cat lady
  49. Mariachi Band and Beluga Whale
    • This Beluga Whale totally needs a sombero of his own!
So the title says there's 50 videos; however, I only counted 49. So obviously I cannot count to 50 and need to return to the 1st grade or the website has a misprint. Let me know if you figured out what video I missed!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Bookstores on the Endangered List

It is my dream job to own a bookstore with a little coffee shop. I want nothing more than to surround myself with books and coffee. Sadly this is has been my life for the past 8 years; surrounding myself with textbook and inserting a coffee IV to stay awake. I guess I should have been really careful what I wished for and clarify next time that I want leisure books and not textbooks surrounding me. However, with the explosion of ebooks (and I am guilty on this account); the relevance of bookstores may become part of our literary history. The most primary example of this is Borders going out of business recently. Borders never came out with an eReader; whereas, Barnes and Noble has the Nook and Amazon has the Kindle. Although I cannot imagine my right hand without holding my Nook on a rainy day or when I am procrastinating doing my homework; I do not want bookstores or books to become extinct. At this moment bookstores are on the endangered store species list. There is no better sound in my opinion then the breaking of a spine of a paperback book, and you can always tell how loved a book is by the condition it is; an ebook does not possess these things. Therefore, I found it comforting and amusing to find the following blog from a former lawyer turned used bookstore owner. Here is a list of her "25 Things I Learned From Opening a Bookstore." Are you guilty of any of these as a customer?

1.  People are getting rid of bookshelves.  Treat the money you budgeted for shelving as found money.  Go to garage sales and cruise the curbs.

2.  While you're drafting that business plan, cut your projected profits in half.  People are getting rid of bookshelves.
3.  If someone comes in and asks where to find the historical fiction, they're not looking for classics, they want the romance section.
4.  If someone comes in and says they read a little of everything, they also want the romance section.
5. If someone comes in and asks for a recommendation and you ask for the name of a book that they liked and they can't think of one, the person is not really a reader.  Recommend Nicholas Sparks.
6.  Kids will stop by your store on their way home from school if you have a free bucket of kids books.  If you also give out free gum, they'll come every day and start bringing their friends.
7.  If you put free books outside, cookbooks will be gone in the first hour and other non-fiction books will sit there for weeks.  Except in warm weather when people are having garage sales.  Then someone will back their car up and take everything, including your baskets.
8.  If you put free books outside, someone will walk in every week and ask if they're really free, no matter how many signs you put out .  Someone else will walk in and ask if everything in the store is free. 
9.  No one buys  self help books in a store where there's a high likelihood of  personal interaction when paying.  Don't waste the shelf space, put them in the free baskets.
10.  This is also true of sex manuals.  The only ones who show an interest in these in a small store are the gum chewing kids, who will find them no matter how well you hide them.
11.  Under no circumstances should you put the sex manuals in the free baskets.  Parents will show up. 
12.  People buying books don't write bad checks.  No need for ID's. They do regularly show up having raided the change jar.
13.  If you have a bookstore that shares a parking lot with a beauty shop that caters to an older clientele, the cars parked in your lot will always be pulled in at an angle even though it's not angle parking.
14.  More people want to sell books than buy them, which means your initial concerns were wrong.  You will have no trouble getting books, the problem is selling them.  Plus a shortage of storage space for all the Readers Digest books and encyclopedias that people donate to you. 
15.  If you open a store in a college town, and maybe even if you don't, you will find yourself as the main human contact for some strange and very socially awkward men who were science and math majors way back when.  Be nice and talk to them, and ignore that their fly is open.
16.  Most people think every old book is worth a lot of money.  The same is true of signed copies and 1st editions.  There's no need to tell them they're probably not insuring financial security for their grandkids with that signed Patricia Cornwell they have at home.
17.  There's also no need to perpetuate the myth by pricing your signed Patricia Cornwell higher than the non-signed one. 
18.  People use whatever is close at hand for bookmarks--toothpicks, photographs, kleenex, and the very ocassional fifty dollar bill, which will keep you leafing through books way beyond the point where it's pr0ductive.
19.  If you're thinking of giving someone a religious book for their graduation, rethink. It will end up unread and in pristine condition at a used book store, sometimes with the fifty dollar bill still tucked inside.  (And you're off and leafing once again).
20.  If you don't have an AARP card, you're apparently too young to read westerns.
21.  A surprising number of people will think you've read every book in the store and will keep pulling out volumes and asking you what this one is about.  These are the people who leave without buying a book, so it's time to have some fun.  Make up plots.
22.  Even if you're a used bookstore, people will get huffy when you don't have the new release by James Patterson.  They are the same people who will ask for a discount because a book looks like it's been read.  
23.  Everyone has a little Nancy Drew in them.  Stock up on the mysteries.
24.  It is both true and sad that some people do in fact buy books based on the color of the binding.
25.  No matter how many books you've read in the past, you will feel woefully un-well read within a week of opening the store.  You will also feel wise at having found such a good way to spend your days.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl Commercials

I think it's sad that I forgot about the Superbowl being on television today, and it was facebook statuses that  clued me in. Who tunes into the game just to watch the Superbowl commercials? Guilty as charged; I totally look forward to the commercials each year. At times the commercials are more memorable than the game. However, I don't think this year's batch of commercials were that good, especially since companies pay million(s) of dollars to reserve a spot. This posting is for all of those people who didn't watch the game but wants to be clued into some of the commercials this year. I definitely missed Betty White being in a commercial this year; I think all commercials should have at least a cameo from Betty White...

Honda CR-V: Matthew Broderick

Hyundai: Cheetah
Audi: Vampires
M&Ms: Party
Elton John:
Chevy: Apocalypse 
Doritos: K-9 Bribery
Best Buy:Phone