Sunday, May 13, 2012

What I Learned On My Roadtrip

From my move from Omaha, NE to Seattle, WA I learned a few things. I regret that I didn't write them down at first as I figured them out on the road, so this list is not comprehensive of the whole trip.
  • At the first hotel I stayed at in Murdo, SD I learned that I have super-hearing. I could hear the alarm clock buzzing at me.
  • I learned that I can totally drive with my knees at 80 mph. Well how else am I suppose to eat my sandwich and take a drink at the same time?
  • It's imperative since I tend to get cold very easily that I ask hotels if their heat is still on. Some states consider 60 degrees to be summer; therefore, to save money they turn their heat off for the season.
  • South Dakota has the most interesting signs and you must stop at Wall Drug.
  • Packing your car to the brim is not ideal, especially if you are blocking your passenger side mirror and your rearview mirror. For the first six hours of my trip, every time I switched lanes I closed my eyes and hoped there was no one in the lane. One might say, "Well, why didn't you just stay in one lane and not pass anyone?" and to that person I say "You are crazy, and you obviously don't know me, my patience level, or my driving."
  • I drove 100 mph for the first time in my life. I was passing a car that kept on speeding up and slowing down. Therefore, I wanted to make sure I passed them so I just speed a little (speed limit was 75 mph).
  • I didn't see a single cop on the road through the states of South Dakota and Montana.
  • If it's almost 100 degrees in Omaha and you are wearing flip-flops, make sure you have socks, a jacket, and warm shoes (preferably UGGS) when traveling north. I was able to find my Columbian sweater but for the whole trip my little toes froze whenever I got out to get gas.
  • If you move all your belongings in car, when you stop, people are going to want to know your life story. One couple replied, "You are moving all by yourself; aren't you a little young to be traveling on your own without your parents." 
  • Gas gets increasingly more expensive outside the midwest.
  • If you have the choice to drive through Nebraska and Wyoming or South Dakota and Montana, chose the latter.

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