After reading the letters there were several things that I became more aware of:
- There are a lot of toys that kids want these days that I have no ideas what they are (i.e. doggy doo game, beyblades)....and this makes me feel old and unhip.
- In the letters, kids are really concerned about Santa's reindeers and how they are doing.
- Approximately 90% of kids want at least one electronic device.
- Children still want Easy Bake Ovens and Furbies.
- Kids of all ages want pogo sticks.
- Many kids promise to barter milk and cookies for gifts.
- Children of all ages cannot spell correctly even if their Christmas gifts depended on it.
- Most common misspelled words: trampoline, want, horse, Claus, Christmas, and reindeer.
- I wan't a furby from you on Christmas morning. That is all I wan't from you. Thank you very much. P.S. Have a wonderful Christmas and tell your elves, raindeer, and your wife I said Merry Christmas to.
- Hi, I've been good this year. There is something I really want. An airsoft gun. I want one sooo bad, but my dad or my mom won't get me one. So, can I PLEASE have an airsoft gun? All I will do with it is target practice. So, please?
- All I want for Christmas is a DS and a new clothes and I want a quilt that has my name on it and I want it hand made by Mrs. Claus and I want a pony and Just lev it outside in the back of the fince and lock it. I also want a new little pupy for Christmas. That is all I want for Christmas.
- Can I please get a ninja turtles truck and a bunch of stuff anmils, and a cell phone, and a tramplen. A zipline to my bustop. Please a hudge class room and a Christmas tree. Please can I have a elf and a quilt. And a PSP. And some games for a PSP. And my own pool.
- I know I'v haven't been good this year. But I still love you so please fill my stocking up. But most of all I love you and Mrs. Clus. First, I want a new dog. Well I think you know why? Then, I want a camera. Next, I want a quilt from Mrs. Clus with my name on it. Please and thank you.
- For Christmas I want a go cart. And I would really want it charged and some gas in it. I also want some lego's, really big lego sets that come with some lego minifigures. I also want a ipod with 100 songs on it. And thats all I want.
- What I want for Christmas is a new game for my 3DS. Do you think you could help me try to remember what game I wanted? Can you also make sure you get all the nursing homes and orfans. Don't forget the infants! I also want a wii and mabey my own cozy blanket.
- I just wanted to say thank you for my presents from last year! And if your going to bring me presents this year. Oh and I love your red cheeks! But I don't really like your beerd! But I would really like a new wii. My old wii broke. Oh and I would also like a new magic kit oh P.S. I have been very good this year! Please and thank you!
- Thank you for the presents. You are the best Santa in the hole wide world. Can I please have a bar?
- How are you? Are you ready for your long journy? Has Mrs. Claus making cookies Thank you for my bike last year. I've been ridig it a lot. I would like a new wii game. Have a safe trip.
- How are you? I want a Dora dancing doll. My dog chewed up my last one. I would also like a new Hello Kitty microphone. I will leave yo milk and cookies. Your elves are working hard. I wish I could give them a present. I would also like a piggy bank to save up all my money.
- Are you ready for a long trip? Do your elves do all of your work? Do thay make toys for you? If thay do, I want a four wheeler. I want a Bumblebee Transformer. See you on Christmas.
- My mom and I are making cookies for this year. Can you get me a cudlupit please santa pritte please. You are the best if it wasn't for you there would be no Christmas.
- I'm 7 years old looking good Santa. Thank you Santa for the presents last year. I like how your belly shakes when you laugh. And I like your beard. Please get me a remote control 4 wiler, a axe set, a foot ball with a kick set on it.
- I wunt for Chris is a reel puppy and a jeeps or frind.
- I want an alive kitten.
- I know it's close to Christmas and I can hardly wait until snows. How are Rudolph and you and your wife doing? I was wondering if you can give me a few things that I want? Ive been trying to be good but my brother and sisters just get me so mad. I know you are busy but I really want a Bean Bag, American doll make up set, and please my own puppy.
- How are you and Rudolph doing? I hope you guys are doing good. Here are 4 things I want for Christmas. A ds game called puppys, sea monkeys, monster high high school playset and last I want a pink collar for my cat. I'm still trying to earn these thigns. And hopefully I don't get coal.
- For Christmas I want three brothers and three sisters so wen they grow up I can hav som wun to play with and dad to de hoom and as pack scoter so I can a ackeire for my dad wen we roest marshmelow and picture of Rudolph.