Friday, April 3, 2015

Twas the Season for Cherry Blossoms

Spring came early this year to Seattle due to the unseasonably warm "winter"; therefore, cherry blossoms began blooming in February. The season for cherry blossoms has almost concluded but you can still spot a few trees that have blooms left.

One of the greatest displays of cherry blossoms blooming in Seattle is on the University of Washington's campus. The trees surround the entire perimeter of the quad. The trees in the university's quad are over 80 years old. This year, these trees were in full bloom on March 14th. I unfortunately didn't make it til the end of March, but the trees were still beautiful. The grounds were covered will fallen cherry blossom petals. When a gust of wind blew through the trees, the blooms were so fragile, that they were constantly falling, resembling snow.

Every year, it is disheartening when the cherry blossom trees become bare (the magnolia trees become bare about the same time); but then I remember, field of tulips season is just around the corner.

If you are visiting Seattle during the spring, you should definitely head over over to the University of Washington's campus. The campus, even when it's not cherry blossom season, is gorgeous! My favorite building on campus is the Suzzallo Library; the Reading Room is a must-visit destination, and I call it "The Hogwarts Library".

Here are some photos from the cherry blossoms from around Seattle, with an emphasis on University of Washington's trees:

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