Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Do You Still Have Napster-burned CDs?

80 CDs that have been decluttered today. Can you
imagine how much space they would occupy if they
were still in their cases?
Napster does not refer to a person who is an expert-level napper, but rather a music-focused online service that was a huge part of my middle school years, and it allowed sharing of audio songs for free, and it went extinct because of copyright infringement. As I am decluttering my belongings, I came across these music relics (burned-CDs), and ended up recycling 45 CDs that I have been moving from apartment to apartment, and haven't listened to in approximately 14-16 years.

As I ruminate about why I have kept these CDs for so long; I cannot think of a valid reason besides just holding onto them "because." I no longer listen to the same kind of music I did 15 years, nor if I were to listen to it, would it bring me the same joy or entertainment (or any at all) it once did. Also, I no longer own a CD player (besides my audio player in my car), my computer does not even have a CD drive, and my portable CD player was replaced by an iPod about 12 years ago.

Applying the same criterion to CDs I bought from music stores, I was able to declutter 35 more CDs. Yes, I still own some CDs, but I just made a crucial step with this initial purge of decreasing the amount of unused items in my apartment, no matter how small or their cost in price.

I have to remind myself to live simply and not overindulge, which is a constant battle in a material world.

Thinking about decluttering, but you are wanting to ease into it, here are some recommendations:
  1. Before you declutter, gather everything up together. Especially if you live with someone, you could end up having duplicates of the same CD/vinyl record.
  2. Assess what types of formats your music is in. If you do not have a working cassette tape player, you could probably rid yourself of your cassette tapes and download music files of the songs you still enjoy.
  3. Deal with your current music collection. You may need to ask yourself if you want to transfer your CD collection to strictly a digital music library, but remember, there is still such a thing as digital clutter. So take some time and evaluate an album, and how many songs you actually still listen to.
  4. Maintenance. If you buy a new CD, you can get rid of a CD; therefore, you maintain the space your CDs take up in your home.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Year 31: When Less is More

I just rung in my 31st birthday with less stuff! For the longest time, I would view each new year of the celebration of my wonderful existence with the tangible items I would receive (and the cake I would devour, of course). If I was going out to dinner with friends, I would buy an outfit for just that occasion, and most likely never wear again. If I received a gift that was thoughtful, but didn't need it, I would still hold onto it forever, because it was a gift from someone I cared about.

Year 31, I took a different approach to celebrating my birthday. I was thankful for what I had in life and what I have accomplished, and looked at it as more than an occasion to receive gifts. In fact, this year, I was quite adamant with not receiving gifts and instead, commemorating it with experiences. It was a momentous occasion, where I spent it outdoors in Whistler, Canada. This getaway was a resort town, but I came back to Washington with no tangible items or tourist trinkets; instead, I came back with memories. The something special that happens on my birthday this year, is that I truly realized that with great friends/family, the outdoors, and plenty of non-chocolate desserts, I was beyond happy and looking forward to another year of when less is more!

It is becoming harder for me to notice items being recycled, donated, or trashed when I decluttered. Therefore, it has been helpful for me to keep a list, to remind myself, that I am continuously getting rid of items. It has helped me to remain mindful and motivated in my minimalism. Below is that list and photos of items that are no longer in my apartment.
  • 29 books
    • Books I have already read and do not foresee reading again. Didn't want to hold onto them for the "just in case," because if I decide to read them again, I can just check them out at the library.
  • 4 cookbooks
    • More and more I am just looking up recipes online; however, I still have 4 cookbooks.
  • 1 game
    • I have started playing board and card games more often. Unfortunately, some games once you play them a lot, you remember the answers, so the challenge is no longer there.
  • 5 TV series
    • Netflix and online streaming has made it easier to part with TV series. Again, the library is always a good option for checking-out movies and TV shows when you do want to watch them again.
  • 3 unopened Wii games
    • I haven't played a Wii game in forever! I use my Wii specifically to stream my Netflix.
  • 129 DVDs
    • Netflix and online streaming has made it easier to part with movies. Again, the library is always a good option for checking-out movies and TV shows when you do want to watch them again. So many of these movies, I have only watched once. I use to buy movies before seeing them, and if they were bad or just meh, I would still just hold onto to them.
  • Mattress pad
    • Wasn't being used, so it got donated for someone who could use it.
  • Throw pillow
    • Nonessential item that I don't need or use and was just stuffed in my closet.
  • 2 cell phones and Garmin watch (not pictured)
    • Holding onto old cell phones just in case a screen cracks is an idea I have abandoned. Unfortunately a smartphone is so critical for my job, that if it doesn't work, then I need to immediately replace it.
  • Extra kitchen utensils, containers, Tupperware, and plates that I haven't used
    • I now have all kitchen items in the kitchen, and cupboards that are inaccessible to me are now empty.
  • Apple mouse
    • No longer utilized.
  • Nook
    • iPad had replaced my nook years ago, but I held onto it just in case my iPad died.
  • iPad cover
    • Replaced this cover with a new one, but still held onto it.
  • Office supplies
    • I still have a my huge desk that got me through undergrad and graduate school. However, it has so much less items stuffed in the doors.
  • Duplicates of magnets
    • I tend to pick up magnets at places I travel too. When I evaluated what was on my refrigerator, I realized I have multiple magnets from the same place.
  • 3 bags of clothes
    • Continuing to get rid of clothes that I didn't wear in the season they were being held on for; I have also one bag of clothes that I still need to take to a consignment store.
  • 10 pairs of earrings
    • Earrings were the only jewelry I consistently wore. Now, if I put a pair of earrings in my ears and no longer like the way they look, they get donated.
  • 2 necklaces, 1 bracelets
    • Decluttering my jewelry box so much as made me need a smaller box that doesn't take up so much space.
  • 10 scarves
    • I just do not wear fashion scarves anymore. If they will not be functional while hiking or snowshoeing, they are getting donated.
  • 2 headbands
    • Headbands that I put on and then immediately take off because I don't like them or they give me a headache.
  • 2 hats
    • I thought I would eventually become a hat-wearer, but I haven't. If there is something on my head, it's either my coat hood or a beanie.
  • Umbrella
    • I kept this for guest to wear when they visit and it rains. But I just instruct them now to bring waterproofed jackets.
  • 3 wall decorations (shelves)
    • These were a pain to dust, and when I got rid off the majority of the figurines that sat on them, they were no longer useful.
  • Hangers
    • From the clothes I donated.
  • Hair accessories, including a curling iron
    • It baffles me that I have a curling iron, because I have curly hair.
  • Post cards from places that I have traveled
    • Recycling pile, and I sent some in the mail for others to know I was thinking of them.
  • Figurines
    • I hate dusting, so the two times I dust a year, figurines go through a test of "Do I really want to move this item around to dust next time?"
  • Photo frames from places that I have traveled
  • 9 tote bags
    • Still decluttering the mountains of tote bags that I have kept and haven't used. Happy to report that I haven't gained any new tote bags since the last time I decluttered them.
  • 1 CD case
    • Decluttering DVDs caused this case to become empty.
  • Makeup bags (the free ones you receive when you purchase makeup in department stores)
Shelving that held my figurines

This type of Tupperware seems like a good idea, but when you mix both cold food and items that need to be warmed up, the compartments/divisions are more a hassle than convenience for lunches.

Donations I got rid of in the month of June/July

Books, movies, and TV shows that I donated

Kitchen items that I decluttered.

Duplicate magnets, electronics, and office supplies

Hair and makeup donations

Hangers and umbrella

Large haul to donation