Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Second Island: Vashon

Although I have never been to a tropical island, I just visited my second island in the Pacific Northwest. My second island was the legendary Vashon Island. It’s about a 15-minute ferry ride from Seattle or Tacoma. I actually left from Tacoma. Visitors have the option to take the passenger only ferry/taxi(from Seattle) or the drive-on ferry (approximately $20, plus $5 for each additional person). The island is 12 miles from one end to the other, and is about the size of Manhattan. However, the island only has about 11,000 populations.

The first thing we did upon our arrival to Vashon Island is we drove over to Maury Island. These two islands use to be one but with the addition of a road along Tramp Harbor, they are now two separate islands. We timed our arrival so it was at low tide so we could walk along the beach more. On Maury Island is P. Robinson Lighthouse. This Lighthouse is still operational and visitors can stay in the Head Keepers Quarters.

After getting in a nice little hike along the beach it was off to Vashon’s downtown for lunch. We ate at a vegetarian restaurant called Snapdragon, and it was all kinds of yummiest! Their pizza, soups, and desserts were island perfection.

After lunch, we were off exploring a new place to hike, destination Shinglemill Creek/Fern Cove. It’s Vashon’s newest trail and is two-miles (4 miles round-trip). It was a moderate trail. The final stretch of Shinglemill Creek leads to Fern Cove.

I can definitely see the appeal of escaping the busy city life for this charming island, but I don’t think I could be a permanent resident. But I definitely could escape to this little oasis for a week and most definitely for a weekend.  I cannot wait to return!
Vashon Island from the Tacoma Ferry
 P. Robinson Lighthouse on Maury Island
P. Robinson Lighthouse on Maury Island

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